low-carb flat white
A shot of espresso with steamed milk, i.e. a latte without the foam.
Make it low-carb by requesting half heavy cream and half water instead of milk. Enjoy plain, with stevia, or with sugar-free syrup.
low-carb almond milk latté
Espresso, steamed almond milk and a layer of foam.
Tip: Request Blonde espresso for a smoother flavor. You can sweeten it with sugar-free vanilla or your own sweetener.
blonde americano
Blonde espresso with hot water- naturally low-carb. Enjoy it hot or iced, plain or sweetened, cream or no cream.
low-carb iced blonde vanilla latte
Request an iced blonde vanilla latte with 1-2 pumps of sugar-free vanilla and half heavy cream, half water (or almond milk).